Chapter 7
1. How is the mesa like a ship?"The mesa was like a ship beclaimed in a strait of lion-coloured dust."
2. Why doesn’t Lenina like their Indian guide?
Lenina is afraid of the indian guide because he is associated with this unknown place. Her feelings were reciprocated, with the guide being described as "hostile and sullenly contemptuous."
3. What is the city itself like? What are the people like? How does Lenina respond? Bernard
The streets were dirty and dusty and villiagers walked by in feathers and wearing deerskin shoes, holding snakes. Lenina is shocked and scared at times. Bernard is fascinated in many of the things he sees in the streets .Bernard is shocked along with Lenina.
4. What ceremony do the witness? What does it mean? What does it seem like to Lenina
They witness a sacrificial ceremony. This is considered to be an honor by seeing this /witnessing. Lenina sees the blood and what in her eyes is torture and cruelty.
5. What idols emerge from the ground?
An eagle and Jesus Christ.
6. How is John Savage different? What does he want? How does he respond to Lenina?
He is different because his mother Linda was born through a battle but she was left at the reservation and gave birth to him at Malpais. He has lighter skin and hair. He wants to fit in with the other indians, but clearly doesn't at all. He seems embarassed, and shy when he notices Lenina watching him.!
7. What is Linda’s story? What has her life been like here? How does Linda react to her?
She travelled to the Reservation with the director a long time back , but she got lost and he left without her. She accidently got pregnant and gave birth to her son John. He pities herself and her life in Malpais, is ashamed for having a baby. Lenina pities her for doing these awful things she has been conditioned to be disgusted with.
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