Thursday, February 26, 2015

make up work

 My first conversation was with my guidance tech. We talked about if I wanted to go to a 4 year college or a community college. I told her that I was more interested in going to a 4 year college if I was able to make it into one. It may be somewhat hard to get into one, but she said if I take the right classes next year I could make it into one. As of now I'm half of biology so I am able to take chemistry next year. Then my senior year to get into a 4 year college I am going to redo algebra 2, fall semester of geometry, chemistry, and Spanish 2. Honestly I think senior year will be the hardest year for me to accomplish, but we talked about what I would have to take to accomplish my goal.
My secound conversation I had was with my mom. We talked about me going off to a 4 year college. I really want to experience college and living some where else besides being stuck at my house. She told me that my college is going to be payed for as long as I get in and I have the right grades. 

 My last conversation was with my sister who is going to college as of now to be an RNA nurse. She thinks that I can get into one if I honestly try. She has confidence that I will get into a 4 year, but if I do not I can go to a community until I get accepted into a 4 year. She and my family want me to just end up going to a college and being successful. The colleges that I want to be accepted are not in this state is one thing that they do not like too much. 

 Each conversation I had did help me out a lot , and I want to try to get into a 4 year and succeed to my goals.

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