Thursday, February 26, 2015

make up work

 My first conversation was with my guidance tech. We talked about if I wanted to go to a 4 year college or a community college. I told her that I was more interested in going to a 4 year college if I was able to make it into one. It may be somewhat hard to get into one, but she said if I take the right classes next year I could make it into one. As of now I'm half of biology so I am able to take chemistry next year. Then my senior year to get into a 4 year college I am going to redo algebra 2, fall semester of geometry, chemistry, and Spanish 2. Honestly I think senior year will be the hardest year for me to accomplish, but we talked about what I would have to take to accomplish my goal.
My secound conversation I had was with my mom. We talked about me going off to a 4 year college. I really want to experience college and living some where else besides being stuck at my house. She told me that my college is going to be payed for as long as I get in and I have the right grades. 

 My last conversation was with my sister who is going to college as of now to be an RNA nurse. She thinks that I can get into one if I honestly try. She has confidence that I will get into a 4 year, but if I do not I can go to a community until I get accepted into a 4 year. She and my family want me to just end up going to a college and being successful. The colleges that I want to be accepted are not in this state is one thing that they do not like too much. 

 Each conversation I had did help me out a lot , and I want to try to get into a 4 year and succeed to my goals.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

My topic is going to be about going to a 4 year university after Highschool. I became interested in this so I can experience differnt things , get a degree, and meet new people . I care about this because I want a good job that pays really well. Learning more about this can help you succeed in life and get a better job , than you would with out a degree.When others see me at a good paying job I want them to know that I have succeeded in life. I don't want them to see me working at some fast food place knowing I never went to college. To succeed  I wil get good grades, get enough or more credits , and try my hardest to get into a college.I will plan on getting all my credits so I can plan on what college will accept me . The sources that I will need are scholarships, money ,and a bunch of studying.The things I want to succeed in are dental assistant or somebody who works for the FBI And solves crimes that have been made.For a start I would start low then work my way up to bigger crimes to solve. I think it would be an interesting journey. I think solving them can relieve people's stress and make them happy when they know what really has happened

Friday, February 20, 2015

  • Holden goes on a date with Jean
  •  Chapter 1: Holden got expelled from Pency.
  •  He also talks to Spencer his teacher at Pency to go back. 
  • Chapter 2: Holden gets a lecture from Spencer about his essay, and he doesn't want to listen to Spencer
  • Holden is a hard headed guy
  • Holden goes on a date with Jean
  • Chapter 3: People were absent in chapter 3
  • Chapter 4:  Holden has jealous feelings towards Stradlater
  • says that Stradlater is a slob because he is jealous and saying things out of anger. 
  • Stradlater doesn't care about the date with Jean and doesn't really like her
  •  It bugs Holden and thinks he is one of the people that aren't any good
  • Holden cares about dates and Jane and he really does like her and wants to be with her unlike Strandler
  • Chapter 5: Pency serves steak to make the parents believe the children are being fed well when they really aren't being fed that well.                                                                              
  • Allie was Holden's younger brother.
  • Holden actually had emotion for his brother first time saw emotion 
  • Chapter 6: Holden talks to Stradlater about his date with Jean
  • Stradlater tells Holden is that they sat in the car so he had nothing to trip over
  • Chapter 7: Holden is in Ackley's room he talks to him about Stradlaters date with Jean and how he didn't really like it and he was jealous
  • .Holden was honest about his feelings that he had about Jean
  •  He takes people and things in his life for granted and each person he has in his life means so much to him

Catch her in the Rye

  • Holden is "crazy" because he is telling the story itself from and asylum
  • Holden has some feelings for Jean.
  • Holden is a person that has many different sides for the different people in his life like family friends and more.
  • What is a Rhetorical question? : a question that is asked to get a point across, gets someone to explain something more
  • Fahreinheit 45

    Some new things I learned from the reading were: 
    1. It was published in 1953, I thought it It was weird yet crazy how Bradbury predicted the futur elike the earphones,televisions,and so much more things.
    2.There was a film made out of the novel Which looks kinda good.
    3. Ray Bradbury wrote the book because of the concerns of the McCarthy era. 
    Fahreinheit 451 has been adapted to many many times
    4. In the novel Montag's wife is addicted to sleeping pills. 
    5. Montag seems to get frustrated someone easy and doesn't like things to be on his mind.

    Fahrenheit 451 First Impressions

    Ray Bradbury, the author has a very different way of using syntax. Whenever he is describing something he seems to elaborate it. He lets you see an image of what he is writing inside the book. He is a very differnt, smart, unique and intelligent author. After all the explaining of the settings, Ray Bradbury makes the dialogue short and more right to the point which some people may like . I think this book will be interesting. So the dialogue makes me want to start reading and getting more into the book

    Vocabulary Words #2

    1. Coherent : logical and consistent
    Some people might fail to coherent work days.
    2.belabor:argue or elaborate in excessive detail
    Many students may belabor to get their homework done.
    3. Eschew:dilberatley avoid using
    I eschewed from getting in the middle of a fight.
    4. Acquisitive: excessively interested in acquiring money or material things
    She has a acquisitive to always ask her mom for clothes.
    5. Emulate : match or surpass; imitate
    Someone may emulate and steal someone's identity.
    6.Banal : lacking in originalty as to be obvious and boring
    As the time went by the quote that was in was now banal.
    7. Excoriation: centure strongly ; denounce
    some people may like to ex oration to others.
    8. Congeal: take shape or coalescence
    The responsibility to be a conselor can be congeal.
    9. Courping : critical ; differnt to please
    Some stars may courping some haters by making success and going on many tours.
    10. Substantiate: provide evidence to support or prove the truth
    The investigators couldn't substantiate the clues and figure out the crime .
    11. Temporize: procrastinate avoid making a decision
    She may temporize about him asking sally to homecoming.
    12. Largesse : generosity
    Savanna and I have out drinks to people who were working out.
    13. Tenable : able to be maintained; justifiable
    The case became tenable when people stated to make confessions.
    14. Unstable: impossible to satisfy
    He could never unstable his girlfriend even when he took her shopping.
    15. Reconnaissance: survey
    There was a reconnaissance when she was trying out for a job.
    16. Germane: revel ant to a sub under consideration
    The teacher got to the point about things germane to a main point.
    17. Ramify :spread out
    When we had a fire drill we had to ramify across the football feild.
    18. Intransigent: stubborn
    She was very intransigent when she heard her boyfriend cheated on her.
    19. Tactitum: saying a little
    When she got in front of the class she said very tactitum things.

    Vocabulary #1

    Intercede: enter between
    Hackneyed: meaningless
    Approbation: approsal or praise
    Innuendo: a hint something's going to happen
    Coalition: group that came together for a purpose
    Elicit: to draw out a strong reaction
    Hiatus: series or purpose
    Assuage: to make less severe
    Decadence: a state of decay
    Expostulate: strong disagreement
    Stimulate: to pretend or feel
    Jaded: worn out
    Umbrage: annoying
    Prerogative: write or privilege
    Lurid: gruesome, shocking
    Transcend: to go beyond the limits
    Provincial: narrow minded
    Petulant: childish or bad tempered
    Unctuous: obnoxious
    Meritorious: deserving praise